martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

GPD WIN Tricks, Wifi Fix After Windows 10 Aniversary Update, Solve Conection Problem on GPDWIN

WIFI FIX Link Download:
Google Drive:

Mega Link of GPD team:!BUxVRaJT!UpJJIfKVqJ6d9HEBZRWvqw
(on this link you can find the driver of the GPD WIN and some utilities.

This is a Trick Fix solve the problem of wifi conection, i had this problem after restore the Windows 10 Anniversary Update. if you restore the Windows 10 Anniversary Update you can't come back to Windows 10 normal. it's like if you make a clean install but you dont need install all drivers.

for other hand, other gpdwin player have formatted her device for make the clean install, an had to reinstall the drivers had the same problems like me and need de same pach!

it's very easy to make, enjoy!! long live GPD WIN

Microsoft Windows 10 64bits OS
Atom X5 Z8700 64bit Quad Core 1.44GHz, Up to 2.24GHz CPU
5.5 inch In-Cell OGS IPS Touch Screen with 1280 x 720 Resolution
4GB LPDDR3 RAM for Advanced Multitasking

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